Saturday, October 11, 2008

Halloween Costume

I have no idea what I want to for Halloween, but i have been given many options. To be completely honest the only way I remembered to spell Halloween was to recite the song. You know the H-A- double L-O. You know that one. I need something funny, but creative to dress up as for Halloween. I have been given the option to dress up as a tampon, a dildo, and all the other nasty shit that you can think of. While I am ranting on about what I want to be for Halloween, there are probably hundreds of thousand of people getting ready to dress up as the Joker from the new Batman. For every person that I see that dresses up as the Joker, I will punch Kyle Penfound in the face. I almost don't even want to go out on Halloween for fear that I will be embarrassed just to see 500 Jokers in one room. If anyone reading this is thinking about dressing up as the Joker for Halloween, JUST DON'T. You might think it is a good idea until you see every other person in your neighborhood with the exact same costume. Just think of something creative and do that instead of doing the obvious Joker choice.


Josh Corken said...

So true! I'm thinking about dressing up as Rufio! What do you think about that?!

Nolan Hudson's Rantz said...

Thats a good one. You gotta make it a good Rufio though. Your gonna have to go all out.

Josh Corken said...

Yeah, I know. That's the only thing. I don't think I'll be able to pull that off, so I may just have to think of something else.